The beginnings
The Beginning! The joint work with Valberto starts. A big dream has come true, the construction of classrooms in a new building wing has begun. Zalán, together with the locals, started the work, which began with making adobe bricks.
In addition to the construction of classrooms, another long-time dream began to take shape: The construction of a library, unique outside the capital, began, which was handed over alongside the new classrooms. Escaping from the routine, on weekends, we visited the surrounding villages to hold Bible school, primarily for children.
At the Betel school, 100 students already have sponsors from Hungary.
The construction of the new kitchen and dining hall at the Betel school has begun, as well as the building of guest houses at the mission center.
In the neighboring village, Camocondé, the construction of a prayer house has started.
Visitor from Hungary!
The ongoing projects have been completed, and the locals have taken possession of them amidst grand celebrations.
The Associação Amigos das Escolas de Guinea-Bissau (AAEGB), or the Friends of Schools in Guinea-Bissau Association, has been officially registered at the Bissau court, and the construction of the association’s headquarters began later that year, where IT education and a radio station will also be housed.
The support and financing of the Betel school, and through it, several nearby abandoned schools, continues. Although only periodically, Radio Voz de Paz, or the Voice of Peace Radio, is starting to operate.
A prayer house is being built in the village of Cassabetche.
Zalán, with his wife, returns to Caciné, and the construction of the dormitory at the Betel school begins.
A Hungarian team arrives, and with their help, a new prayer house is built in Caciné, and the dormitory at the Betel school is completed.
From this year, we are supporting Valberto’s work from home.
With Hungarian support, the first drilled well is completed.
The Covid pandemic severely affected the Betel school as well. Meanwhile, another well was built in the nearby village of Camocondé.
The support for Escola Emanuel Campaz has also begun. We have already found sponsors for the education of a total of 350 students.
At the beginning of the year, a Hungarian team is back in Caciné! The organization of our largest project so far begins: We want to expand the Betel school with a sports hall. We hope that, alongside learning, sports and physical education will provide the locals with another opportunity to make their lives richer, more fulfilling, and healthier.
According to the plans, the well at Emanuel school will also be completed before the end of the year.

Coming soon…
• providing an opportunity for breakthrough,
• improving quality of life,
• job creation,
• and spreading the Gospel.
Participation in the sports club will require school attendance, where the participants will hear God’s message every day.
